Dr Giresh Kanji is a Musculoskeletal Pain Specialist and Researcher. He explored the sensory amplification of pain in his PhD including the role of the human stress response. He has presented in NZ, Australia, Tahiti, USA and Europe.
He is an honorary Associate Professor at Auckland University, the chairperson of the NZ Pain Foundation and editor of Australasian Musculoskeletal Medicine. He is the author of “Fix Your Back”, “Fix Your Neck Pain, Headache and Migraine” and the 2019 New Zealand Bestseller about insomnia, anxiety and depression – “Brain Connections: How to sleep better, worry less and feel happier”.
Virtual consults will include a thorough history, look at all blood tests and x rays and scans. X rays and scans are available from throughout NZ on line. A formulation of possible diagnoses, further investigations required and a treatment plan will be typed up and emailed to all patients. Initial consults will be around 45 minutes. Dr Giresh Kanji can consult on chronic musculoskeletal pain disorders (Back pain, neck pain, headache, migraine, knee pain, hip pain, shoulder pain, ankle pain) and stress disorders (insomnia, anxiety and depression).
Teleconsults are supported by ACC and Southern Cross and these will be billed directly to Southern Cross/ACC.
If you would like a teleconsult please text 021835282 or email info@gireshkanji.com. An appointment will be arranged at a time that suits you.
Dr Giresh Kanji is an accredited provider with Southern Cross Healthcare. All invoices will be submitted directly to Southern Cross. Consults are also covered by ACC if you have an existing claim and have a referral.